Rating: TBA
Genre: Horror
Language: Thai with English subtitles
Director: Sophon Sakdaphisit
Cast: Chantavit Dhanasevi & Vorakan Rojchanawat
Runtime: 85 min
Release Date: Mar 12, 2009
Website: www.comingsoonmovie-th.com | Trailer URL
What kind of scenes in a horror film scares you the most?When a ghost appears totally unexpectedly?
When the main character does not see the ghost lurking up behind him?
When at the very end you find out that the main character was actually a ghost all along?
None of this compares to the feeling of arriving home alone and suddenly being struck by a feeling of déjà vu that you are reenacting the very same scenes in the horror movie you just saw! This movie will scare you from the second you step inside the movie theatre. It will get you wondering if “something” or “someone” might be waiting for you to let your guard down
coming soon, movie seram dari thailand kitorang tengok malam ni. eventhough final exam jumaat ni dah (2 hari lagi) masih bersemangat tengok movie. tengok kat PC harith je, tambah ngan speaker baru haziq, environment dah cam panggung wayang mid valley dah. starting pun dah memang mabeles, banyak kejutan yang membuatkan kitorang menjerit nak terkeluar anak tekak (yeah we know, a litle bit girly rite?, tapi korang kene tengok sendirik, for sure sedikit sebanyak korang akan terkejut gak). kesian lak kat amin sebab tiap kali scene yang seram kuar, spontaneusly kaki ngan tangan aku gerak sepak buntut, baling ngan bantal...sorry tak sengaja min. aku pon kene gak ngan sue, siap pukul aku ngan bantal peluk spongebob lagik..haha...
hmm..aku rating citer ni, the best thriller movie i've ever seen before. sarat dengan aksi-aksi yang menyeramkan, yang mendebarkan yang pasti akan membuatkan buntut anda tak duduk tetap, hati berdebar-debar seolah-olah cuba untuk bersedia sebarang kemungkinan akan muncul adegan-adegan seram yang mampu menguncupkan degupan jantung dengan bunyi-bunyi efek yang mendebarkan, plus the storylines just wont make you stop thrilling, lepas satu aksi di susuli lagi dengan aksi lain. memang heart throbing scene la. for me, i can spot a few scene yang mampu buat aku melompat dari kerusi seterusnya front-kick buntut amin. (sekali lagi maaf dari aku).
nak aku review movie ni ker...???hmm but beware of the spoiler, sebab mungkin apa yang akan aku cerita ni mungkin akan menghilangkan mood thrilling korang. but i'l try to make it short and not make it too clearly la, so that korang will enjoy the movie later.
[review] tajuk cerita ni adalah coming soon, and as you can clearly understand by it's title, this movie is all about coming soon movie not yet come out, which is about the killing of Shomba by hanging her to death by the villegers- that movie called evil spirit. two young men Peoll and Chen work at the cinema and help VCD pirates to record the movie before the movie realese to the public. unexpectedly, Peoll who also Chen's brother-in-law once tried to record the movie at the cinema, and later, Chen found out that his brother-in-law has been killed by the ghost in that movie dan menjadi salah seorang mangsa yang keluar dalam movie tu. mata Peoll kene korek keluar. sebenarnya movie yang di tunjukkan tu adalah inspired by true story iaitu kisah Shomba yang menculik kanak-kanak di kampung dan mencungkil mata dorang supaya mereka tidak tahu yang mereka di culik and feels like duduk kat umah. Shomba claims that all the children was hers. orang kampung bertindak menggantung Shomba, [beware of spoiler] so scene ni la yang membangkitkan hantu tersebut. setiap orang yang tengok scene Shomba di gantung akan mati. [beware of spoiler]. to unreveal the story behind all this fuss, Chen and his wife try to go to Shomba's place, where all the reall story happens and tempat tu jugak la movie evil spirit ni di shoot. after that unexpecting things happens. kalo korang nak tau kene la tengok sendiri...xleh nak bagi tau lebih-lebih kang tak seram plak...
ape-ape pun aku bagi movie ni 9/10 dari segi tahap keseraman...jangan tengok sorang-sorang..for sure kalo anda lemah semangat or takut xkan berani pergi tandas sorang-sorang..hmmm...
p/s: hmm malam ni kene tido bawah la plak...
3 kutukan:
@mohd nisham- hahaha..erm..
pak sumba nishan hamonada...
shomba is the blog owner... i hate som... abi aku labat bord...
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