“It’s never start with the idea, its start with the feeling”- yasmin ahmad
She observe and build a characters out of the feelings around her, what a brilliant person; Yasmin Ahmad. A very creative mind that always come out with very humor yet touching moment in every advertisement she made. Advertisements that most of Malaysians wait during festive season of hari raya, Chinese New Year, deepavali and also Hari Kemerdekaan in collaboration with PETRONAS. With the touch that goes through every soul that watching and light up the spirit of celebration among every races. For the last time, I heard we are able to watch her last PETRONAS ads this raya- hopefully.
Success as a film maker in Malaysia film industry and known worldwide with her award winning movies outside Malaysia such as Mukhsin, she is the best in her league and one of my favorite directors in Malaysia. She just knows how to create a very good movie’s environment blended by various races in Malaysia. Really portray the spirit of one Malaysia herself. I adore her as a good civilian who always treat other races alike and able to look forward in making the true One Malaysia.
Now she left us with her unfinished job and it is our responsible; as her fan to continue her legacy to bring all Malaysian together. Even, it’s been 2 weeks since she left us (when I wrote this), people still talk about her, about her movies and how creative she was.
We will always miss you and may God bless your soul. Al-Fatihah. The true spirit of one Malaysia; yasmin ahmad.
p/s: dah tak dapat nak tgk movie dari allahyarham yasmin lagi…
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Yang berbahagia Dato/Datin/Tuan/Puan/Saudara/Saudari,
Dengan segala hormatnya kami memaklumkan bahawa kami akan melancarkan portal “Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua (SSS)” di
Kami menjemput anda untuk melayari laman web tersebut selepas Sambutan Merdeka 12tengahmalam pada 31 Ogos 2009. Anda dipersilakan untuk melayari tab “e-patriot”
di mana kami telahpun menyenaraikan laman citra anda di bawah senarai “e-patriot” (“Patriots with blog entry”). Kami ingin merakamkan rasa penghargaan kami yang tidak terhingga di atas sokongan anda secara langsung ataupun secara tidak langsung terhadap Kempen SSS ini apabila, anda telah memuatkan sekurang-kurang satu tulisan/artikel/bahan di laman citra anda. Terima kasih di atas sokongan anda terhadap Kempen SSS ini.
It is our honor to inform you that we will be launching "Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua (SSS)" portal at
Please visit the website after the 12midnite Merdeka celebration on 31 August 2009 and check out the "e-patriot" tab
We have listed your blog site under the "e-patriot" list (Patriots with blog entry). We wish to record our utmost appreciation for your support toward SSS campaign by having at least one blog entry/article/item, written in support of the SSS campaign, directly or indirectly. Thank you for your support toward the SSS campaign.
Terima kasih.
Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua
rujukan Artikel Tuan
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