Saturday, September 26, 2009

enough of that

I don’t realize how much I love her until just now when I’m packing all my stuff I saw two pieces of cards, a gift and a picture of her. I read what she wrote, and it’s so beautiful that tears started to fall. How come I let such a nice girl slip out of my hand and I have taken her life for granted. And now I started to miss her again, her laugh and her beautiful smile.

It is true what people once said, once we lost something, then we know the pain of losing it. We know the important of her in our life. So I promise to myself even it is hard to believe and hard to accept as it was the God fate, I promise that whoever come to my life next time I’ll make sure I appreciate her as best as I could. Enough of the pain and suffering that I have been through so far, I’m not gonna let it repeated once again, because it is really difficult for me to stand back after such a great “hurricane” that hit me to ground before.

For you, I am really sorry for taking you for granted and I am truly sorry for what I have done that disappointing you.

new era, new spirit and new house

New era has begun, and we suppose to register for our new academic year on this 28th of September this Monday. To begin with, we have a new for everything, new spirit and new house..yeah we gonna move to Taman Pelangi Semenyih about 4 kilometer from our current rental house. Tonight I just came back from visiting our new accommodation, the environment are quite ok, there a lot of neighbors and quite happening with children playing around at the side of the street. We are surrounded by multi-racial community, even my right side neighbor is Indian and on the left side is Chinese. Really portray the true one Malaysia spirit itself (literally, not spiritually I guess).

Hmm…there will be a little privacy for me next term because I’m going to have my own room..haha..Privacy is more important. But then, bilik kat bawah tu agak terpencil and memerlukan keberaniaan untuk tidur sorang2, because most activities this time will be held upstairs. even tv pon kitorang will place at the leisure room upstairs. Nah, nak tgk tv pon kene exercise naik atas..aduyai.. but its ok la..bukan sebab yang mungkin korang pk kan why I stress out about privacy cuma aku ni jenis yang agak tak kemas (tapi bukan pengotor) biasala kan budak laki, baju kain sumer main campak jek atas tilam. Stoking entah kemane, underwear merata-rata ngan tuala tak jemur ape. So agak segan la sket, ngan housemate lain yang agak pembersih, yang mementingkan kebersihan. Bukanya aku tak leh ubah benda tu, tapi aku tak nak diri aku terikat dengan sesuatu. Aku suka bebas, and no one should tell me what I should do and what I shouldn’t do. Aku tak suka orang yang bossy.

Ok la, enough with all that. Sebenarnya tadi when we are “sightseeing” the house I felt something strange about that rumah, terlampau sunyi and orang kelate cakap xdek seri; it means suram, usually when u go kat umah-umah kampung yang pemiliknya tak berapa mesra dengan penduduk kurang bergaul n orang pon jarang pergi umah dorang, ade satu strange feeling pasal umah tu, nampak gelap, dan xbermaya. But I couldn’t describe what exactly I felt, mungkin umah tu xdek org duduk sebelom ni kot and we are the first tenant for that house..hmm ataupun maybe it just my perasaan kot. ape-ape pon for sure kitorang akan buat doa selamat dan baca yassin before duduk.

Aduh, banyak giler pasal umah. Ok pasal new term or new academic year plak. This year will be our last year and the most crutial stage I’d say. Because, bayak projek and koswork plus the work load mungkin bertambah kot. this year kitorang ade 7 compulsory modules and two optional module plus one design project that worth about 120 credits for one year. Owh forgot to mention credit kitorang xsame ngan credits most of IPTA student. Mostly dorang ade 18 , 17 kredit jekkan. Tapi kitorang setiap module woth 10 kredit. Entah camner nak kira.

last but not least, I’m hoping this time, with everything new, paan yang lama will change. Entah la, gak susah jgak, but I’ll try. Doakan semoga kami damai disini dan insyaAllah saya akan mendoakan kebahagiaan dan kejayaan korang jugak. Sesungguhnya doa yang mustajab adalah apabila umat islam itu mendoakan sesame mereka yang lain.

Friday, September 25, 2009

tolong jaga tepi kain orang sket

tolong jaga tepi kain orang. hmm..agak cliche dan agak kontroversial punye tajuk. tapi itulah yang aku cuba untuk emphasis dalam tajuk entry ni. sebenarnya aku dah lihat begitu banyak kekalutan dan jenayah yang aku kira boleh kita cegah dari berlakunya. tolong jaga tepi kain orang sekeliling, tu bukan bermakna kita perlu always stick our nose on people's personal matters. tu yang salahnya bila aku cakap jaga tepi kain, cukup sekadar tepi kain saja, bukan sampai barang dalam kain seluar orang pun kita amek kisah. itu yang tidak betul nya...

sebenarnya entry ni diinspired oleh seorang awek yang aku lihat on the way balik lepas lunch tengah hari tadi. aku tengok awek ni dok sorang-sorang ngah tunggu bas, pas tu ade la dua or tiga orang lelaki naek motor approach. at first aku lihat maybe lelaki tu member die kot so aku just ignored je la. without thinking much, that they would give any harm to her. aku just berlalu pergi. sebelum blah tu, sempat gak aku tengok awek tu cam agak unaesy ngan dorang tu, maybe sebab asap rokok or asap motor kot..xde ape buruk yang aku fikir.

esoknya aku dengar berita yang seorang gadis telah di rogol dan di rompak oleh sekumpulan lelaki sewaktu tunggu bapa die fetch from school. actually bukan gadis semalam yang aku lihat, tapi straightly otak aku terus direct ke gadis tu, macam mana kalo gadis tu yang kene dengan sekumpulan lelaki kelmarin? tak kah aku pun turut bersubahat or at least mempunyai tanggungjwab sosial yang perlu aku penuhi semalam?

sebenarnya isu yang paling perlu untuk di ketengahkan adalah tanggungjawab sosial, kita semua ada tanggungjawab terhadap sosial masing-masing dan jugak masyarakat sekeliling. hidup bermuafakat membawa berkat. that's the way it is. kita haruslah selalu alert dengan masyarakat sekeliling punyer condition. ni tak, even jiran sendiri pun kite tak kenal (lucky for us dapat jiran yang bagus cam auntie).

Thursday, September 24, 2009

kau dan aku

i have found the most interesting pic about our nation in the net..this posting are not meant to provoke anything or give anything negative perspective to any country.

[click the image to have a better view]