I don’t realize how much I love her until just now when I’m packing all my stuff I saw two pieces of cards, a gift and a picture of her. I read what she wrote, and it’s so beautiful that tears started to fall. How come I let such a nice girl slip out of my hand and I have taken her life for granted. And now I started to miss her again, her laugh and her beautiful smile.
It is true what people once said, once we lost something, then we know the pain of losing it. We know the important of her in our life. So I promise to myself even it is hard to believe and hard to accept as it was the God fate, I promise that whoever come to my life next time I’ll make sure I appreciate her as best as I could. Enough of the pain and suffering that I have been through so far, I’m not gonna let it repeated once again, because it is really difficult for me to stand back after such a great “hurricane” that hit me to ground before.
For you, I am really sorry for taking you for granted and I am truly sorry for what I have done that disappointing you.

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