this things happened a lot when i was "studying" Malaysian driving behavior while driving my self. there are a lot of female driver just simply turn without giving prior signals. ooo..maybe they forgot kot..
two incident involving my self make me think twice and careful when i was following female driver. one is a near miss incident and another one is accident.
the accident happened at kajang when i was on the way back from amek motor at KTM and stop by the ATM machine before U-turn to McD kat bagunan sebelah. nasib baik aku drive agak slow but around 50 - 60 km/j jugak la, when the lady at her late 40's park her old saga car at the left side of the road (small road from the metro kajang to McD) without turn back she just open her door and luckily (is it..?)aku sempat elak but my foot got slashed by the edge of her car door..and got two layer 10 stitches on my foot and barely walk for two weeks.
another incident happened at TPS (taman pelangi semenyih) when a lady with a nice pink shirt with sky blue pant again open her door without look at the back.. luckily (again) aku bawak slow sebab sebelum tu ade simpang ke kiri nak masuk taman kitorang. akak ni maybe tgh rush kot, tak sempat lunch lagi and then stop tepi jalan untuk beli goreng pisang. so die just bukak camtu jek pintu..nasib baik aku sempat elak..kalo tak, mahu 3 minggu lagi aku xleh jalan.
tapi ape2 pun bukan semua pompuan camtu, ade gak yang pro bawak kete ngalah kan laki pon ade gak..semua nyer terpulang..and another thing is maybe all those incident just kebetulan ngan aku je kot..sumer driver that i had encounter adalah pompuan...
argh lupe..ade gambar..hmm just enjoy..


agak2 sape la punyer ek..careless giler..haha
p/s: on the way balik lab semalam ade accident kat "lembah maut" before nak sampai bandar rinching..involve: nlue silver waja, a nice kebaya lady and a guy with child...hmm..wonder sape yang salah agaknyer...
p/s: i had a dream. a really-really nice dream. i dont even wanna get up..oh plis, don't bang my door and wake me up..!!!
4 kutukan:
Kaki Paan ade ulat.
haha..dah tau idnetiti ko...
ye ar, kaki aku masih skait lagi kot...berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu yang memikol..haha
kakak aku pecut 140 jer...
laju giler kakak ko larik..haha
dah cam biolnik dah..
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