Monday, November 23, 2009

awkward silence scenes

(sekadar gambar hiasan)

this event happened couple months ago

Have u ever been in the awkward silence scene where everybody sat silently, stares and glance away from others and thinking whose gonna break the silence first with the little fake smile? Yes I’ve been through that undesired scene for a few times especially with someone who I just knew for a minute or someone who’s their profile higher than me (someone in the same gender whom you admire most because of his brain or his wealth).

But that is not the story I try to point out here, today someone just SMSs me and she said it was a wrong number and looking for some dude named Eddie. So I replied again and said I’m farhan bla..bla..bla.. We just have a little chit chat on SMSs for a while before I start to not reply her message (out for lunch). Then she called me, without introducing her name, she start to ask me a lot of question just like when I have my MARA interview back at 2006. She ask my name (which is I already gave to her when we replied SMSs), my age, where I studied, which course I took and everything about me. When I asked her, where do you got my numbered, she just said, “ owh, it’s in my contact list for years and I just couldn’t find whom it belongs to”

Seriously? Haha... I think there must be someone (maybe her friends whom also the friends of mine but me and that girl is not friend- got what I meant? haha) tries to set her up with me...ala just like we did, give our friends number to our other friends for the sake of matching people up. You know what I meant right. I heard her voice, slow and barely heard with her shaky voice. After she asks me a lot of questions and maybe there are no other questions she can think at that moment, the silence-awkward scene just came out. There a long pause and long silence just our breath can be heard before I end up our “precious” conversation.

After a few hours I didn’t reply her message, she called me again and I pick it up and the above conservation start again. She asked me where I study, bla..bla..Hmm..You know what? That conversation takes up to 23 minutes. I don’t know what we talked actually, but obviously there are a lot of pauses between any answers I gave to her (yes, she asked me a lot of questions). Maybe she tries to think a few more questions to throw on me. This undesired scene is really weird even we didn’t face each other and meet personally, but I just felt something uneasy about that. It just like when you first meet your ex-wife or ex-gf perhaps in unexpected place, after a really big-broke-up-fight, your tongue tided, try to control yourself and try to look “cooler” then her new spouse.

p/s: even now still don’t know her name..hmm..

2 kutukan:

Mohd Suhaili Bin Jurid said...

adik angkat mane lak ni??..
awek ni call u back..poyos..

Pepijat Kota said...

haha..that's the reason why i'm quite hesitate nak publish this entry a few months back..