Wednesday, April 28, 2010

takziah and al-fatihah

am i too exaggerate if i'm putting adik aminulrasyid's picture as my profile picture in facebook...?? because i'm damn hoping that people won't forget he was brutally murdered like we all forget about Norizan Salleh and others that clearly fallen into misconduct of the authorities.

yes, arwah ade buat salah, tiada lesen memandu but is it fair, he was punished by shot to death..? i don't think so..

biarkan this is the last case we hear misconduct by polis or mana2 department of government ataupon mana-mana pihak...dan aku mengharapkan investigation on this case di jalankan thoroughly...tiada pincang di mana-mana, dan aku mengharapkan pihak berwajib have the guts untuk mengakui kesalahan IF they are doing something wrong...dan punish mereka seadil-adilnya IF mereka di dapati bersalah...

al-fatihah untuk arwah...

p/s: ma frens asal lame tak berblog...?? aziq, acap, su..??? hmmm pe cer..??

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