Today, one of my friends got bisul (boil) on his right leg… (bahagian betis)..I guessed it's gonna be extremely pain, cause I've experienced it couple times when I was young. It grows at my buttock and my leg and also area my tight (peha). Nak jalan pon sikse woo…This bisul can grow in beneath the skins or tonsils and place where you regularly sweat and where hygiene is not cared enough like your ketiak or even groin (ouch). Actually bisul or you might call it boil are

skin disease cause by the infection of liang roma that resulting of accumulation of pus and dead tissues (same category as acne but more painful). The infected area is reddened, and tender, over time this area will become larger, hard and firm lumps. It started when the bacteria (usually
Staphylococcus aureus) infect the hair follicles in our skin, then the brain will send signal to the immune system to "attack" the "trespasser". After that, the collections of bacteria, white blood cells with dead cells then known as pus. The lump, which filled with pus, will grow larger and painful until it ruptures and pus will drain out. It smelly though! Not surprisingly, this boil can grow in a multiple lumps and create a huge connection then called carbuncles. Obviously the pain can also be multiple (hoho). Orang tua-tua dahulu kala have come out with many petua or traditional way to cure the boils, like to use kapur sireh (the most prominent one) and daun pokok lada. And when I browse through the internet, there are several other ways like tampal ubi keledek yang telah ditumbuk, apply kulit mempelam (mango skin, perhaps) yang diasah kat pasu. Tampal bawang merah yang di tumbuk some say bawang putih. However, all this method tak semuanye going well because it is not medically tested and the effect not even proven yet (maybe to some minority it does). I suggest just go to clinic, so that docs can suck out all pus, clean it out and they will give you some medicine like anti-biotic or pain killers or perhaps they can do a little surgery to open up the lumps. Tapikan lagi bagus kalau mencegah dari mengubati, take care of your hygiene..!!
bisul kat bahagian kulitP/s: even sakit pon still gigih lagi ngan silat… kalo kene tendang kat bisul tu kang meraung…however I wish you get well soon…
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