After posting for few years on YouTube, she is lucky enough her talent is realize by UK song-writer Kris Rowley and then commented on her video. The day before her 21st birthday, she posted what she intended to be the last one video called “no Christmas for me” and by the same time she check her email and receive about 3000 massagers including a few label offered.
Her most popular song “no Christmas for me” is feature on Brushfire record for 2008 charity album “This Warm December”. And she is on her way to release album at US. She also performs her first show at Spaceland at US. She was also featured in US’s latest issue of rolling stone magazine “artist to watch” column. Here some quote from the magazine:

“She’s got a voice that sounds like something from the past, but you can’t put your finger on it,” says Jack Johnson of Zee Avi, the Malaysian YouTube discovery he signed to his label.The singer-songwriter flew in from Kuala Lumpur to work with Johnson’s band at its solar-powered studio in L.A. The album has a brunch-friendly acoustic swing vibe: “Just You and Me” features Avion ukulele, “First of the Gang to Die” is a chilled-out Morrissey cover, and on “Kantoi,” she sings in the Malay-English hybrid known as Manglish. “I do that one last when I perform at home,” she says.”It really gets the crowd going.”
You must be thinking why I’m so enthusiastically and eagerly introduce her name to you guys. One thing I just want to pop out from your mind is just how we behave, because I heard she have been “rejected” by a few recording Malaysia company who are looking person just like *tut* to record their album and never given any chances to those who are really talented like those indie singers out there. When other peoples praise on them, baru la kite terhegeh2 nak mengaku she is Malaysia citizen. How sakai is that..??? however sad but true, bagusla die x sign ape2 dokumen with recording company in Malaysia, because for sure she will go no where…Once MTV release her video or song berbondong lah reputz berebut nak cover her story… here just for samples, I post along videos from YouTube.
no christmas for me from zee avi
P/s: I also love Yuna, how she looks and her voices… enjoy the videos from Yuna and Zee Avi.
check out her profile at myspace and her official website
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