I know peoples change, so do you and i..i already accept that fact once.. but I didn’t expect you to change completely sampaikan aku sendiri barely know who you are rite now. I used to be with you all those beautiful two years, I like your attitude and i love you (as friend), you are easy going, cheerful and a good friend one can have, but once we leave maktab ko dah macam orang lain. Ape yang penting adalah awek jek, sampaikan one after another our friends leave you, I tried to stay but you have moved on..Leave all of us behind by taking separate way. I try to ignore the fact that you are leaving all this while, I’m still trying to fight by presuppose you are still fighting by our side. But lately I came to my sense when you have taken the way that I presume you aren’t supposing to. So maybe this is the time when we suppose to say good bye to you. No worries we can still be friend but it would not be like we used to be before..i’m sorry and good bye..
p/s: trying to move on now..masih banyak kawan yang still can be consider as a good friend…don’t waste them for the sake of minority..
p/ss: sometimes, we trusted people so much sampaikan ape yang die buat kite just membutakan mata hati..tidak mampu atau mahu menerima hakikat..and then once you accept all those fact you started realize that your heart are seriously wounded and you are not knowing what happened…clueless, despair and disappointed..so my advice is try to cling on something that you less expected..
How come, we don't even talk no more,
And you don't even call no more,
We don't barely keep in touch at all,
And I don't even feel the same love when we hug no mo',
And I heard it through the grape vine we even beefin' now,
After all the years we've been down,
Ain't no way, no how,
This bullshit can't be true,
We family, aint a damn thing change unless it's you