Friday, January 29, 2010

life is something unpredictable, but at the end it always rite..

I know peoples change, so do you and i..i already accept that fact once.. but I didn’t expect you to change completely sampaikan aku sendiri barely know who you are rite now. I used to be with you all those beautiful two years, I like your attitude and i love you (as friend), you are easy going, cheerful and a good friend one can have, but once we leave maktab ko dah macam orang lain. Ape yang penting adalah awek jek, sampaikan one after another our friends leave you, I tried to stay but you have moved on..Leave all of us behind by taking separate way. I try to ignore the fact that you are leaving all this while, I’m still trying to fight by presuppose you are still fighting by our side. But lately I came to my sense when you have taken the way that I presume you aren’t supposing to. So maybe this is the time when we suppose to say good bye to you. No worries we can still be friend but it would not be like we used to be before..i’m sorry and good bye..

p/s: trying to move on now..masih banyak kawan yang still can be consider as a good friend…don’t waste them for the sake of minority..

p/ss: sometimes, we trusted people so much sampaikan ape yang die buat kite just membutakan mata hati..tidak mampu atau mahu menerima hakikat..and then once you accept all those fact you started realize that your heart are seriously wounded and you are not knowing what happened…clueless, despair and my advice is try to cling on something that you less expected..

How come, we don't even talk no more,
And you don't even call no more,
We don't barely keep in touch at all,
And I don't even feel the same love when we hug no mo',
And I heard it through the grape vine we even beefin' now,
After all the years we've been down,
Ain't no way, no how,
This bullshit can't be true,
We family, aint a damn thing change unless it's you

Thursday, January 28, 2010

adnan sempit

Adnan sempit, semperit, sembelit or wat ever..baru je habis tengok akt alamanda malam tadi. Not bad citer pasal si rempit try nak takel corporat women..lakonan intan ladyana ngan sam ape entah.hmm..typical citer ahmad idham tapi di selitkan dengan adegan-adegan comedi plus lawak selamba ngan bombastic punch line in every dialog. At first half aku rase cam nak cekik jek orang yang ajak aku tgk nih..lawak typical cat farish, ngan typical aksi dak rempit. predictable..!!! plus lakonan kaku si heroin (actually aku tak minat kot si intan nih) dan pelbagai lagi lawak lucah yang aku paling tak suke.byk agi kot elemen yang lawak selain dari lucah leh di jadikan idea.

Lagi satu aku tak suker si zack (x-factor) nih, sebab die di bayangi oleh drama yusof selam..cara die cakap, lenggok bdan dan gaya bahasa memang sejibik drama yusof kat tibi 2 tuh..ade gak adegan yang standard yusof nih, especially time monolog lam kete oleh intan ladyna ngan engel kamera dari atas..nasib baek xdek twin tower petronas ngan music entah ape2 tuh..ermmm..mmg aku tak suke langsung..

But, as time goes on.. lawak jadik makin best plak (or maybe humor sensor aku lambat pikap kot) especially time si sam ni cakap omputeh..selamber badak jek..maen hentam ape yang patut..lagi satu lakonan angah raja lawak..even kejap2 muncul, kejap2 hilang..watak die revolve around warong si cat nih jek..but still best..lucu plus kiut..hahahaha…

Erm..trying to pick up the humor pieces..tapi tu jek yang aku leh cakap..ape pon still geli ati gak tengok..especially part yang last2 tuh..”wa tahu muka wa brutal, tapi dalam ati ade taman”..nice one..

Kalo nak citer pasal teknikal, teori ape sumer tuh..baik g bace blog amer mohd or ajami (entah dorang dah tulis blom, xtau) aku tak reti nak mentafsirkan setiap gerak geri, baris line, tapi aku maybe leh komen dari segi ape yang aku rase (dah bace ruangan “dari penulis”?) ape yang aku tonton. Tu, kalo korang peminat citer2 lawak ahmad idham ngan metrowealth ataupun sekilas drama yusof aslam di sarankan untuk ke pawagam berdekatan. Aku rate 4/10 jek..

p/s: aku tau, I’m against the odd rite now, bcoz ramai member ckp citer nih best..tapi this is how I look things.. so..??

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

terkunci, mengunci dan dikunci

Kadang-kadang aku rasa seolah-olah anjing yang di kunci mulut, leher..nak berbunyi pon takut..tak pasal2 “tuan dunia” menghumban aku kat perak..tak pasal-pasal dapat liputan seluruh Malaysia. Skag ni nak tulis something pon takut, kene ayat berlapik-lapik dan mengkiss asskan “tuan dunia” aku.. Nampak macam hipokrit la plak…hmm...tapi tak ape, sekarang ni dunia ini kamu "punya", dunia akhirat kelak..kite tengok siapa yang berkuasa...

p/s: sekadar peringatan untuk diri aku...don't get urself too comfortable bcoz u wouldn't be able to see any risk exist..!!

happy besday, legion and avatar

Hoh, I turned 22nd this year and celebrating it last Sunday with my best friend, mirul. We spend our whole day watching movies, and it was really fun. Another year has passed on, and here I am trying to reminiscing what I’ve done to achieve my target for the whole year. Another year has come in for me to figure out what I should do to achieve my goals for this year. Yep I’m not thinking about a long term plan since I already got it around me and keep refreshing it every New Year eve, I’m talking about a short term plan that I have to achieve throughout my birthday gap each year.

This year, i’ll finish my degree course (hopefully) in chemical eng. Itu pun if I’m not re-sit the exam which means that I’ve to postpone my graduation ceremony to February next year. I got to work hard this time and I got to dress on for my working environment since I doubted myself so much that I couldn’t succeed in work place. With my attitude and such, it so hard to even make a friendly-friend to back me up and I kinda of person who don’t like people telling me what I shud do and what I shudn’t do. Seriously I hate bossy people. Plus I kinda of didn’t really like people with high authority yelling and shouting at me when I’m doing mistake. I know, right..!! it’s stupid and pathetic..!! so this year I’m gonna learn as much as I could to amend and maybe do some improvement on that.

Ok, this year also I got to develop some communication skills especially in English because I’m so bad at it. It feels terrible when we know something that not right going on but we don’t know or afraid to point it out because of our un-confidence communication’s skills. So, this time I’m gonna start it with my FYP partners, and try to communicate and try to cooperate as much as I could. As least do something for the sake of results (my first resolution) and my cooperation skill plus communication skills.

Ok, la.. enough of skang ni just nak citer what we have celebrated yesterday (Sunday). Kitorang just went to mid valley (yep, mid valley jek). Watching movies..Avatar and legion. Mirul belanja for the first movie;’s crap..seyesly nak cakap memang not worth to watch even bagi free pon. For the first half aku rase cam nak jerit to the director face saying that it was soooo predictable and was soooo boring. Actually ianye citer pasal arc-angel and the fallen angel (lebih kurang mcam tu ar) Gabriel and Michael. So satu pihak try to protect a child and another one try to kill him. And the director never mention who is the child and where it comes from..aku tak sape dak tuh, ape fungsi die or ape significantnyer die kat dunia manusia nih. to make it worse god have sent an angel army to destroy all humans being because god have been disappointed with human, with destruction and all those mistake people did. Stupid isn’t it..?? not to mention all those predictable and typical jalan citer yang membosankan. Hmm…aku rate 2/10 jek la..tu pon sebab nenek yang leh jalan atas syiling jek..haha

Ok after that, the avatar session, which is on me..aku yang one thing that I can describe is “AMAZING”. With diernyer effect mmg giler-giler..see..still excited to tell this story. It’s the best. Actually ramai bagi good or positive reviews about this movie, and they won several awards dan tercalon dalam beberapa other awards. Actually i’ve heard this movie sooo many time, and people keep telling me that the effect is good but the story line is just a typical one. So I entered the halls, with prejudice and negative though yang aku akan cari some flaws dalam citer nih and defy all those people who telling this is the greatest movie. But seyesly I’m completely wrong..

So tak perlu nak review ape-ape, you guys can read mane2 blog yang review citer nih. first sight, aku tak suke pengenalan watak Jake Sully yang seorang ego-centric mariners with disable legs from injury of back spinal. Boleh lihat macam mane si jake ni try to do everything on his own and once dia diperkenalakan dengan avatar (maybe a vessels resemble the Na’vi people that have been combined the driver’s dna and na’vi’s). So avatar ni di gerakkan melalui minda when driver ni enter maybe sleep mode kot. Director (kot) memperkenalkan kepada penonton dunia Pandora apabila scientist si grace nih bawka jake and others amek sample..kat situ start segala cerita. Pengenalan dunia Pandora yang membuatkan kite rase it’s heaven..penuh giler..after kite dah serasi dengan dunia Pandora the story evolve kat dunia kaum Na’vi penonton dah ikut jake sully bonding ngan kaum Na’vi apabila jake di ajar segala pasal kaum nih.. kite experience benda nih..dapat merasainye, seolah-olah kite yang berada in jake’s shoes.

After that, ketamakan kerakusan manusia untuk mengejar wang dan harta dunia sehingga mengorban dan memusnahkan dunia indah tuh. Bukan tu jek ramai kaum2 Na’vi nih mati mempertahankan tanha dorang. Sepanjang serangan tu dalam ati aku dok repeat “this is not rite” byk kali gak. Tgk manusia sanggup buat ape saje untuk kesenagan dunia.
Ok, aku rate citer nih 8/10..most recommended with 3D effect. So kalo korang yang suker citer aksi ngan effect gegiler plus are most welcome..!!

p/s: struggle ngan the top ten favorite female celebs 2009...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


reminder: it's a long entry..

huh..its a very long time since i updated my blog. busy with my final exams plus my lappy got a little probs that gave me headache once i flip it open.

ok la, actually i've been thinking lately, the phrase, the feelings that suit me well. so i came up with this "sometimes event", expressing the way i feel, the way i see and understand myself and things around me. this is occasionally occur and not entirely present my whole self.

so just take a look at it, and may be you gonna find out who i am after this or perhaps who i think i am. again remind you this is occasionally occur, and that is why i call it "sometimes event".

1. Sometime's i wish i dont no a thing or understand's killing us when we know something that we aren't suppose to know..

2. Sometime's I feel that people always misinterpreted what I said and did, that is why I’m trying so hard not to speak too freely to those I just knew.

3. Sometime's I use second-personal pronoun referring to don’t get yourself too excited because by all means it’s not “you” I was referring to.

4. Sometimes hypocrite will prevent you doing good deeds when you are believed you are not.

5. Sometime's I feel that I’m a gifted or special or perhaps different than other in my own way of thinking and doing (or I just a total freak...?)

6. Sometime's I feel that I can read somebody’s mind (not literally la) and behavior base on the way they speak and act, but I never try to learn anything from it.

7. Sometime's my speak are louder than my action

8. Sometime's avoiding are the best cure, because I believed time will heals everything.

9. Sometime's I tired of believing the sun will shine tomorrow when every day I woke up the rain still pouring...

10. Sometime's I have to push myself to the limit, so that I know what I’m capable of, but in order to that I have to be in a completely desperate state.

11. Sometime's we do hate our self, not because of what we lack of but what we do have. We afraid that one day it will come back strike you at the back once you lose yourself

12. Sometime's overconfident may led to over depression and more disappointments. So, sometimes I have to lower my expectation, and prepared for the worst.

13. Sometime's I kind of jealous looking at those who are "great thinker" (or you call it genius), they often studied less and gain much.

14. Sometime's our lens are completely different, I mind watching a movie with their great story board rather than their great CGI effect. That is why the red I see is blue in your eyes.

15. Sometime's it’s too complicated to know yourself rather than your partner.

16. Sometime's I regard the ignorance is bliss

17. Sometime's stereotyping people will blind your judgment and erase individual specialty. I really-really fucking hate people who like generalize me with common trait they have about my race, my religion and also my state.

that's all i have for now.. haha.. anyhow, i don't really care what you gonna say after this because "sometimes i do listen but i never jock it down in my head".

Friday, January 15, 2010

Entry Pendek

entry pendek..xdak mood nak blogging, just nak express a few thing jek..

conversation between dua orang, si A dan si B (pembantu/penasihat/kawan/member)

si A: "alah kite dah timbolkan kekecohan dah, so orang akan lupe kesalahan kite"

si B: "so, corrective measure yang u nak buat..?? any how orang still akn mintak solution, tol x..???"

si A:" alah macam tak biasa plak, macam yang selalu kite buat tuh..? kambing itam kan berlambak kat mesia neh..yang free pon ade yang kene bayar pon ade"

si B: "oo.i paham maksud u..?? so mane nak grab kambing itam nih..??"

si A:" skang ni orang men online la bro..sumer men facebook..kat situ pon leh jek carik kambing itam, free lagi..kang jaman ekonomi merosot..xleh bazir2 untuk benda xper"

si B: "hoho..u ni mmg genius la.."

and the conversation goes on and on...

[peringatan] bagi yang tak paham tu, buat x paham cukup..xperlu nak pikir2 sebab ianya tidak melibatkan diri korang pon... bagi yang paham, bagus..dok senyap2, xperlu nak jelaskan kat ruangan komen nih..

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Engkau Pergi

anugerah juara lagu ke 24 (kalo xsilap) baru je habis berlangsung dan kemenangan sudah pun di ketahui iaitu milik Pergi dendangan Aizat. walaupun aku tak tgk secara langsung majlis anugerah tersebut, tapi update dari rakan-rakan blogger dan juga facebook status membuat aku iri hati dan bengang.

it is a beautiful song indeed...keep remind me of our late Yasmin Ahmad, sebab untuk karya terakhir beliau lagu ni merupakan lagu tema bagi filem Talentime. tak kisah pae orang nak cakap bagi aku lagu ni sememangnye layak untuk bergelar juara lagu pada tahun ini. (other contestants pon not bad gak)

Lirik Lagu Pergi - Aizat

Sayu terpisah
hikayat indah kini hanya tinggal sejarah
berhembus angin rindu
begitu nyamannya terhidu wangian kasihmu
hujan lebat mencurah kini
bagaikan tiada henti
kaulah laguku kau irama terindah
tak lagi kudengari
kau pergi.. pergi..
sepi tanpa kata
terdiam dan kaku tak daya kau kulupa
apa pun kata mereka
biarkan kenangan berbunga di ranting usia

actully versi BI pon ade gak tapi di nyanyikan oleh Pete Teo sendirik..kalo nak tgk or dengar g ar kat facebook die..

Monday, January 4, 2010

trimas-trimas anda berjaya

isu kehilangan, kepincangan, kenaikan, rasuah dan juga segala mak nenek penyelewengan di kuis ketepi..yes anda telah berjaya mendivertkan segala isu yang penting dengan meyalakan obor keagamaan dan perkauman. anda memang pakar dalam bab ini, aku rase sudah tentunya anda bersenang lenang sambil hirup kopi dan shopping di merata dunia menghabiskan wang yang bukan engkau empunya sambil melihat kekecohan dan kekalutan rakyat.

tahiniah-tahiniah, anda selayaknye menerima anugerah penulis lakon layar terbaik sepanjang zaman..

sekadar gambar..intrepitasi dan imaginasi anda secara kretif amat di perlu kan untuk melihat dan meneropong..

klik sumber untuk melihat lokasi gambar di cedok..

p/s: isu yang tgh hangat skang ni pon penting jugak..tapi ianya muncul berlandaskan skrip2 yang di tulis oleh "mereka"..

Dia masih di sini

Dia masih disini
Memerhati, tapi tak mampu untuk menegur
walau tidak berjasad, namun
Dengan semangatnye aku dapat merase
Berlegar-legar di segenap ruang
memberi satu semangat untuk terus membina
dan mengukuh struktur karekter serta jasad sahsiah aku
Bukan sahaja di ruang ini
Tapi semangatnye turut berlegar di ruang peminat lain
Aku mengharapkan semangat itu kekal singah
Walau cume untuk seketika
memberi inspirasi dan perasaan
Yang mampu membuat aku terkenang
Lalu menghujankan mata…
Semoga kamu tenang di sana
wahai sang idola

Al-Fatihah buat Allahyarham Yasmin Ahmad (1958-2009)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

gambar, gambar, gambar

hanya gambar semata-mata..tidak berniat untuk memerli mana-mana pihak..

btw, pic ni sungguh menarik, aku suke ton kaler yang di pamerkan dan motif warna bangunan tuh..

yeah, say NO to all..dah sampai tanda2 dah..

sumber: NST online (retrieved on 3/1/10)