huh..its a very long time since i updated my blog. busy with my final exams plus my lappy got a little probs that gave me headache once i flip it open.
ok la, actually i've been thinking lately, the phrase, the feelings that suit me well. so i came up with this "sometimes event", expressing the way i feel, the way i see and understand myself and things around me. this is occasionally occur and not entirely present my whole self.
so just take a look at it, and may be you gonna find out who i am after this or perhaps who i think i am. again remind you this is occasionally occur, and that is why i call it "sometimes event".
1. Sometime's i wish i dont no a thing or understand anything..it's killing us when we know something that we aren't suppose to know..
2. Sometime's I feel that people always misinterpreted what I said and did, that is why I’m trying so hard not to speak too freely to those I just knew.
3. Sometime's I use second-personal pronoun referring to myself..so don’t get yourself too excited because by all means it’s not “you” I was referring to.
4. Sometimes hypocrite will prevent you doing good deeds when you are believed you are not.
5. Sometime's I feel that I’m a gifted or special or perhaps different than other in my own way of thinking and doing (or I just a total freak...?)
6. Sometime's I feel that I can read somebody’s mind (not literally la) and behavior base on the way they speak and act, but I never try to learn anything from it.
7. Sometime's my speak are louder than my action
8. Sometime's avoiding are the best cure, because I believed time will heals everything.
9. Sometime's I tired of believing the sun will shine tomorrow when every day I woke up the rain still pouring...
10. Sometime's I have to push myself to the limit, so that I know what I’m capable of, but in order to that I have to be in a completely desperate state.
11. Sometime's we do hate our self, not because of what we lack of but what we do have. We afraid that one day it will come back strike you at the back once you lose yourself
12. Sometime's overconfident may led to over depression and more disappointments. So, sometimes I have to lower my expectation, and prepared for the worst.
13. Sometime's I kind of jealous looking at those who are "great thinker" (or you call it genius), they often studied less and gain much.
14. Sometime's our lens are completely different, I mind watching a movie with their great story board rather than their great CGI effect. That is why the red I see is blue in your eyes.
15. Sometime's it’s too complicated to know yourself rather than your partner.
16. Sometime's I regard the ignorance is bliss
17. Sometime's stereotyping people will blind your judgment and erase individual specialty. I really-really fucking hate people who like generalize me with common trait they have about my race, my religion and also my state.
that's all i have for now.. haha.. anyhow, i don't really care what you gonna say after this because "sometimes i do listen but i never jock it down in my head".
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