Hoh, I turned 22nd this year and celebrating it last Sunday with my best friend, mirul. We spend our whole day watching movies, and it was really fun. Another year has passed on, and here I am trying to reminiscing what I’ve done to achieve my target for the whole year. Another year has come in for me to figure out what I should do to achieve my goals for this year. Yep I’m not thinking about a long term plan since I already got it around me and keep refreshing it every New Year eve, I’m talking about a short term plan that I have to achieve throughout my birthday gap each year.
This year, i’ll finish my degree course (hopefully) in chemical eng. Itu pun if I’m not re-sit the exam which means that I’ve to postpone my graduation ceremony to February next year. I got to work hard this time and I got to dress on for my working environment since I doubted myself so much that I couldn’t succeed in work place. With my attitude and such, it so hard to even make a friendly-friend to back me up and I kinda of person who don’t like people telling me what I shud do and what I shudn’t do. Seriously I hate bossy people. Plus I kinda of didn’t really like people with high authority yelling and shouting at me when I’m doing mistake. I know, right..!! it’s stupid and pathetic..!! so this year I’m gonna learn as much as I could to amend and maybe do some improvement on that.
Ok, this year also I got to develop some communication skills especially in English because I’m so bad at it. It feels terrible when we know something that not right going on but we don’t know or afraid to point it out because of our un-confidence communication’s skills. So, this time I’m gonna start it with my FYP partners, and try to communicate and try to cooperate as much as I could. As least do something for the sake of results (my first resolution) and my cooperation skill plus communication skills.
Ok, la.. enough of that..so skang ni just nak citer what we have celebrated yesterday (Sunday). Kitorang just went to mid valley (yep, mid valley jek). Watching movies..Avatar and legion. Mirul belanja for the first movie; Legion..haha.it’s crap..seyesly nak cakap memang not worth to watch even bagi free pon. For the first half aku rase cam nak jerit to the director face saying that it was soooo predictable and was soooo boring. Actually ianye citer pasal arc-angel and the fallen angel (lebih kurang mcam tu ar) Gabriel and Michael. So satu pihak try to protect a child and another one try to kill him. And the director never mention who is the child and where it comes from..aku tak sape dak tuh, ape fungsi die or ape significantnyer die kat dunia manusia nih. to make it worse god have sent an angel army to destroy all humans being because god have been disappointed with human, with destruction and all those mistake people did. Stupid isn’t it..?? not to mention all those predictable and typical jalan citer yang membosankan. Hmm…aku rate 2/10 jek la..tu pon sebab nenek yang leh jalan atas syiling jek..haha
Ok after that, the avatar session, which is on me..aku yang blanjer..haha..so one thing that I can describe is “AMAZING”. With diernyer effect mmg giler-giler..see..still excited to tell this story. It’s the best. Actually ramai bagi good or positive reviews about this movie, and they won several awards dan tercalon dalam beberapa other awards. Actually i’ve heard this movie sooo many time, and people keep telling me that the effect is good but the story line is just a typical one. So I entered the halls, with prejudice and negative though yang aku akan cari some flaws dalam citer nih and defy all those people who telling this is the greatest movie. But seyesly I’m completely wrong..
So tak perlu nak review ape-ape, you guys can read mane2 blog yang review citer nih. first sight, aku tak suke pengenalan watak Jake Sully yang seorang ego-centric mariners with disable legs from injury of back spinal. Boleh lihat macam mane si jake ni try to do everything on his own and once dia diperkenalakan dengan avatar (maybe a vessels resemble the Na’vi people that have been combined the driver’s dna and na’vi’s). So avatar ni di gerakkan melalui minda when driver ni enter maybe sleep mode kot. Director (kot) memperkenalkan kepada penonton dunia Pandora apabila scientist si grace nih bawka jake and others amek sample..kat situ start segala cerita. Pengenalan dunia Pandora yang membuatkan kite rase it’s heaven..penuh kaler2..best giler..after kite dah serasi dengan dunia Pandora the story evolve kat dunia kaum Na’vi lak..so penonton dah ikut jake sully bonding ngan kaum Na’vi apabila jake di ajar segala pasal kaum nih.. kite experience benda nih..dapat merasainye, seolah-olah kite yang berada in jake’s shoes.
After that, ketamakan kerakusan manusia untuk mengejar wang dan harta dunia sehingga mengorban dan memusnahkan dunia indah tuh. Bukan tu jek ramai kaum2 Na’vi nih mati mempertahankan tanha dorang. Sepanjang serangan tu dalam ati aku dok repeat “this is not rite” byk kali gak. Tgk manusia sanggup buat ape saje untuk kesenagan dunia.
Ok, aku rate citer nih 8/10..most recommended with 3D effect. So kalo korang yang suker citer aksi ngan effect gegiler plus romantic..you are most welcome..!!
p/s: struggle ngan the top ten favorite female celebs 2009...
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