there's a hole here
where you used to fill in once
and it's still there
waiting to be fill in again
i don't know how much i love you
how crazy i'm missing you
until now
when i realize you took something out of me
and went away
i still can't forget you
still thinking about you
but i never wish you'd be here again
i'm just wishing that hole and pieces of my heart that you took away
can be fill in with someone better
and you know that, it's very difficult..
whatever it is, i'm just hoping..
just go and fly away...but i'll always remember you've stop here once...
1 kutukan:
kdg2 lam idup nie ALLAH temukan kita ngan org yg salah berkali2 sblum kita jmper dgn org yg sbnar....
tp kita xtau bila n ngan saper....
so doa n tawakal is the way....
peace no war :)
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