whaddehek...izzie's wont retun to seattle grace..??? arghh..demmm giler bile bace..she is my favorite character tho...dah la george pon xdek..makin hambar la nampaknyer citer grey's anatomy neh...every episode memang aku expect izzie tiba2 muncul, to be back with alex..at last bile usha web page tadi cam xcayer jek..dorang dah confirmkan pon izzie's out..after di bagi peluang untuk absence for her movie shoot and maternity leave..so there will be no special episode pemergian izzie..
agak terasa kehilangan especially for those peminat grey's since 1st episode agi..camner kite tgk love and friendship since dorang interns agi sampai la jadik resident..macam-macam they have been through...

ape pon all the best la untuk katherine heigl and hopefully creator die or producer can come out with better storyline to replace the loses of her...
sumber (click here)
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