i want to be a surgeon..i just wanna to be a f*cking surgeon..i wanna cut open people's chest and fix failure heart... i just wanna save life with my scalpel..that's what i want..not this f*cking engineer who works on un-life things..seriously i just wanna be a surgeon..why am i stuck in this engineering field...??i just donno..
that is what i always thinking, why in the hell i'm taking this crazy course..??? i dont have a chance to save peoples..i dont have a chance to meet sick people..i just dont have a chance to make them happy..i just dont have a chance to see their happy face when i deliver good news...why i'm here study heat exchanger and stuff..calculate the pump and reactor efficiency..?? how can i save life by doing all this thing..??
ever since my childhood, my dream is just i wanna to be a surgeon..a doctor who save life..a person who deliver good news, a person who can fix people...
ever since my childhood, i planed my way up to be a surgeon..my pretty2 ambition..just to wear a white coat with mask and scalpel not white coat with goggle and screw drivers..i just dont get it..please somebody tell me why, how and what i'm doing here..?? i just lost..
this is what i'm always thinking before...you know what..?? that's just my plan..and i know Allah have done the best for me..Allah knows what good and bad for me, even i always think that being a surgeon is the best for me, but Allah doesnt think so..Allah know much better than we human being..Allah have already fix our fate..so just bear with it and try our best to settle things down and doing good stuff...
we spend our whole lives worrying about the future, planning for the future, trying to predict the future. as if figuring it out will somehow cushion the blow, but the future are changing according to our Master's plan..just realize it and make all the best out of the best..
being an engineers can also save peoples life. you design a good machinery that would never give harm to others and ease them..making their life better, just like doctors fixing things up.. but you just can't see the direct smile on their face and you just can't see the direct appreciation through their eyes..but deeply you just know..when you do the best...there's always happy people smiling got benefits from you..then you'll never regret for what Allah already arrange for you..
just my thought...
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