Friday, October 30, 2009

princess of my heart

I can’t breathe without you
You are my O2, that rush trough my blood runs to my heart
Pounding and beating nervously
I’m choking hastily
Without u inside
Statued and stopped

Just be with me one more time
I’ll sure u won’t be taken for granted
Just bear with me this time
O princess of my heart

sekadar gambar hiasan...(plis try not to judge me)

p/s: this entry xdek kene mengene dengan sesiapa pun..sama ade yang masih idop mahupon yang dah meninggal..

Thursday, October 29, 2009

anguish of my heart

The life is just cruel, and full of vindictive people

With their malevolent plans to counter me to the ground

Beat me once I lose my scruples and all my sense

Fall helplessly

This atmosphere change me

Morphing to sadness and guilty conscience

While the darkness start to engulf my mind

Decision and verdict I make

Mistake and trouble I take

It’s all just went wrong

So, what am I hoping for…?

Despair..?Loneliness and sadness..??

Why they kept coming

I try to push them a way, but at the end they just came and tailing me where never I go and whatever decision I took..

Right now, the only thing I can do is strengthen my faith to my creator

Because I know life is something unpredictable

But at the end it is always right.

And what goes around must and always comes around

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

driving a black on black

bukan nak jadi sexist or ape2 yang berkaitan dengan sexism tapi aku lihat most of (repeat mostly) female driver are careless and tak begitu perihatin dengan keadaan sekitar. bukan semua la, ade sesetegah yang careless...

this things happened a lot when i was "studying" Malaysian driving behavior while driving my self. there are a lot of female driver just simply turn without giving prior signals. ooo..maybe they forgot kot..

two incident involving my self make me think twice and careful when i was following female driver. one is a near miss incident and another one is accident.
the accident happened at kajang when i was on the way back from amek motor at KTM and stop by the ATM machine before U-turn to McD kat bagunan sebelah. nasib baik aku drive agak slow but around 50 - 60 km/j jugak la, when the lady at her late 40's park her old saga car at the left side of the road (small road from the metro kajang to McD) without turn back she just open her door and luckily (is it..?)aku sempat elak but my foot got slashed by the edge of her car door..and got two layer 10 stitches on my foot and barely walk for two weeks.

another incident happened at TPS (taman pelangi semenyih) when a lady with a nice pink shirt with sky blue pant again open her door without look at the back.. luckily (again) aku bawak slow sebab sebelum tu ade simpang ke kiri nak masuk taman kitorang. akak ni maybe tgh rush kot, tak sempat lunch lagi and then stop tepi jalan untuk beli goreng pisang. so die just bukak camtu jek pintu..nasib baik aku sempat elak..kalo tak, mahu 3 minggu lagi aku xleh jalan.

tapi ape2 pun bukan semua pompuan camtu, ade gak yang pro bawak kete ngalah kan laki pon ade gak..semua nyer terpulang..and another thing is maybe all those incident just kebetulan ngan aku je kot..sumer driver that i had encounter adalah pompuan...

argh lupe..ade gambar..hmm just enjoy..


agak2 sape la punyer ek..careless giler..haha

p/s: on the way balik lab semalam ade accident kat "lembah maut" before nak sampai bandar rinching..involve: nlue silver waja, a nice kebaya lady and a guy with child...hmm..wonder sape yang salah agaknyer...

p/s: i had a dream. a really-really nice dream. i dont even wanna get up..oh plis, don't bang my door and wake me up..!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

i saw what i saw

this is a great song by Sara Groves. i saw what i saw...humanity, poverty and everything in one song.

just enjoy the show, and always remember those whom less fortunate than us..

Sunday, October 18, 2009

manusia jahanam tak berhati perot

sound kasar giler title, tapi tu jek tajuk yang tersingkap kat otak benak aku ni time tulis entry ni..sorry, no offend..

berderau darah aku baca metro online ari ni, tgk front linenyer tajuk..dengan gambar-gambar sekali. aduyai, tergamak betol mak pak yang buat anak macam tu, buang sesuka hati jek macam buang pampers lam tong sampah. tak pikir ker dorang ianya adalah satu nyawa yang di kurniakan oleh Allah, apsal la dorang yang bodo ni men suka-suki jek amek nyawa baby tu..

dah sedap beromen segala, tak nak bertanggungjawab la yer..?? tuhan kurniakan otak untuk pikir, bukan untuk ikot nafsu jek..yang tak tahan tu, mostly budak2 remaja jek umur seawal 15 tahun lagi...

aku just letak gambar je la, korang leh baca sendirik kat metro online
xsanggup aku nak tulis lagi..tulis kang tak pasai2 mencarut jek la emo gak aku bab2 benda kecik lagi tu..ade tu yang tarok lam tong sampah la, taruk lam tong cat, longkang and ade gak yang taruk kat masjid...aduhai...bodoh giler manusia ni (or should kita panggil je binatang) sbb binatang pon tau syngkan anak..yang paling aku tak tahan, bile baca brita 2 3 bulan lepas yang mana seekor anjing menggonggong tangan seorang bayi..ya Allah, ape nak jadi...

ni ha gambar2, bukan ape just nak tunjuk comel giler baby2 tu.. apsal la binatang-binatang yang kuat romen dan tak pakai payung (kan dah tercarut da) tu tak dek ati perut langsung ek..?? moga tuhan ampunkan dosa dorang dan kita sumer..semoga dorang insaf satu hari nanti..

Friday, October 16, 2009

pandorum migration to tarnis

yes, dapat gak aku release tension semalam, xde la penuh otak ngan flocculation, safety eng sumer tuh... semalm kitorang g late nite movie kat jaya jusco cheras selatan tgk Pandorum. hajat awal2 nak tgk Surrogate but it seems that surrogate got a lot of bad reviews and rating dari penonton pun xbrape tinggi sagt, so kitorang just stick to Pandorum..even tak pernah dgr pon sebelom ni, just tgk poster semalam jek.. aku ajat nak tgk Papadom,tapi one of my friend dah tgk da, kesian lak die takkan nak tgk dua kali kot...

ok la review sket jek..

alkisahnye bila penduduuk bumi makin ramai overpopulated, so orang try to search for another planet that resembles ngan bumi to live on, so dorang jumpe satu planet called Tarnis (xtau betoi tak eja). so mass migration pon bermula dengan 60, 000 orang di hantar ker space dengan some space craft called Elysium dalam keadaan hyper sleep (hibernate kot).

so, tiba-tiba Bower (main character played by Ben Foster) awake from his sleep with no memories (kalo ade pon sket2 jek or come into pieces) tak tahu langsung where they are, what happened to other crew and passenger. so, dia ngan captain die (lieutenant Payton) try to access to the main bridge (pintu kawalan utama). si peyton ni la yang dok cari naik atas segala rabung mane in order to look for the way to go to the bridge.

in his way, dia jumpa ade lagi 2 or 3 orang space crew yang still idup and struggling to survive hunted by some flesh-eating mutation creature. so dorang stick together nak ker reactor room to switch on the reactor manually tapi what happened is tempat tu adalah tempat tido menantang tuh... selebeynye korang tgk je la sendirik..

so, xleh lak nak citer panjang2 sbb menda ni korang kene tgk sundirik...agak trill gak ar..sound effect kuat nak mampos...aku rate dalam 4.5 out 10 jek la..

babar ali the youngest headmaster

aduhai...this few weeks are took a lot of me.. i got really2 tiring lab experiment and i got involve with stupid traffic accident that injured my left foot. barely walk for two weeks...

ok la, this time i got an inspiring news from India, where Babar Ali had played a realy2 nice role as a young teenager to be the youngest headmaster in his house-backyard "school"...this 16 years old guy are really working his @$ off in order to give an education to his fellow poor children around his village who amid with poverty and lack of proper education.
it start with play-acting teaching his friends and then he realise that these children will have never learn to read and write if they don't have proper lessons he told to the BBC reporter.

he himself still studying at the Raj Govinda school where he have to ride for 10 km and a couple of kilometers walk and have wake up as earliest as 6 o'clock in the morning.
"It's not easy for me to come to school because I live so far away… but the teachers are good and I love learning," he says in his neat blue and white uniform.

"And my parents believe I must get the best education possible that's why I am here."

you know what..?? his parent have pay for $40 a year to admit Babar to that school which is most of villagers are cannot afford that small amount of money. lucky i am...really2 lucky..but still ponteng class olso..

Babar Ali taught 800 children at his family backyard after arriving at home around 4 pm with other 10 volunteers teacher who also student at school or college. He, ring the bell to summons all his pupils, standing on a podium act as the headmaster in his unofficial school and the pupils line up sing the national anthem then he begin lecture them about discipline and then start the lesson. Babar Ali gives lessons just the way he has heard them from his teachers.
The school has been recognised by the local authorities, it has helped increase literacy rates in the area, and Babar Ali has won awards for his work.

The youngest children are just four or five, and they are all squeezed in to a tiny veranda. There are just a couple of bare electric bulbs to give light as lessons stretch into the evening, and only if there is electricity.

And then the monsoon rain begins. Huge drops fall as the children scurry for cover, slipping in the mud. They crowd under a piece of plastic sheeting. Babar Ali shouts an order. Lessons are canceled for the afternoon otherwise everyone will be soaked. Having no classrooms means lessons are at the mercy of the elements.

The children climb onto the porch of a nearby shop as the rain pours down. Then they hurry home through the downpour. Tomorrow they'll be back though. Eight hundred poor children, unable to afford an education, but hungry for anything they can learn at Babar Ali's school.- BBC NEWS

the most notable is, he gave all the education for free, the government only provides funds for midday meal and books and for the expenses he has to depend on donations. He, however, hopes for better support in the coming years so he can make all his fellow students and village kids literate, and able to stand on their own feet.

see, tak rugi kalu kita share our knowledge, because it will never less even a bit...