Friday, October 16, 2009

pandorum migration to tarnis

yes, dapat gak aku release tension semalam, xde la penuh otak ngan flocculation, safety eng sumer tuh... semalm kitorang g late nite movie kat jaya jusco cheras selatan tgk Pandorum. hajat awal2 nak tgk Surrogate but it seems that surrogate got a lot of bad reviews and rating dari penonton pun xbrape tinggi sagt, so kitorang just stick to Pandorum..even tak pernah dgr pon sebelom ni, just tgk poster semalam jek.. aku ajat nak tgk Papadom,tapi one of my friend dah tgk da, kesian lak die takkan nak tgk dua kali kot...

ok la review sket jek..

alkisahnye bila penduduuk bumi makin ramai overpopulated, so orang try to search for another planet that resembles ngan bumi to live on, so dorang jumpe satu planet called Tarnis (xtau betoi tak eja). so mass migration pon bermula dengan 60, 000 orang di hantar ker space dengan some space craft called Elysium dalam keadaan hyper sleep (hibernate kot).

so, tiba-tiba Bower (main character played by Ben Foster) awake from his sleep with no memories (kalo ade pon sket2 jek or come into pieces) tak tahu langsung where they are, what happened to other crew and passenger. so, dia ngan captain die (lieutenant Payton) try to access to the main bridge (pintu kawalan utama). si peyton ni la yang dok cari naik atas segala rabung mane in order to look for the way to go to the bridge.

in his way, dia jumpa ade lagi 2 or 3 orang space crew yang still idup and struggling to survive hunted by some flesh-eating mutation creature. so dorang stick together nak ker reactor room to switch on the reactor manually tapi what happened is tempat tu adalah tempat tido menantang tuh... selebeynye korang tgk je la sendirik..

so, xleh lak nak citer panjang2 sbb menda ni korang kene tgk sundirik...agak trill gak ar..sound effect kuat nak mampos...aku rate dalam 4.5 out 10 jek la..

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