Monday, June 1, 2009

untuk kawan2 yang kita suka

[caution] ade ayat yang bakal mengelikan anak tekak jika anda tak suka emosional

hmm..cepat giler mase bergerak..sedar xsedar dah penghujung year two dah..and september ni dah masuk third year dah, which is my final year..insyaAllah besok will be the last day aku kat TTS ni untuk sem ni, sebab i'm going to have summer holiday for 3 months..and will be back on september...

dok sorang2 lam bilek ni, buat aku pikir and teringat what have we been through for the whole two semester..??for the whole second year of our time here..the thing yang aku sure is, dari segi education maybe increase a little bit la (ye ker..??) but dari segi tuntutan social aku still bawah paras fail lagi.. i've lost my frens (yes frens, plural here)..when i said frens here, not literally i'm losing them but the feeling of frenship that we have built for the last two years or i'd say three years are gone..maybe it's all because of me, ego yang terlalu melampau and sometime i just can't express my feelings kalo tak puas hati ker something last it built up deeply in my heart and act as time bomb which is can explode anytime and anywhere...thats why, u can see me sometimes with my long face looking gloomy or glance annoyingly at urself, believe me sometimes it is not your fault fren..(sometime la, kadang2 salah korang gak, but mostly salah aku la)..

hmmm..maybe itu kot yang buat orang matang, we go through a lot of obstacles that make us re-think of our so-called-proud-behaviour before..sometime, i can sense that u look at me differently when i'm treat others friendly like we used to be when we first met (i mean those yang bukan dari umah kite ar, cam dak pelangi ker, tts3 ker) .. u know what..?? this is because of my self yang agak susah nak maintain close relationship, when i say close, it is in terms of distance...we see each other a lot that make my heart scream inside (aduhai, balik2 muka same jek, bosan ar)..hmm..see, it is my fault...!!truly my fault...

aduhai, a litle bit emosional la plak tonite..maybe sebab besok aku dah nak lagi 3 bulan kalo panjang umor bleh jumpe..tengok baru jek beberapa hari dah rase something dah bile korang tak de...rase sunyi, rase rindu maybe..tapi kalo tiap2 hari korang ade, rase cam boring plak..entah la..

haha..aku tau, for those member aku bace ni (tu pon kalo ade yang nak baca) mesti gelak2, and cakap aduhai jiwang plak paan neh..emo sial..tapi lantak blog aku..and one of it function is, untuk meluahkan ape yang terbuku di hati aku nih...bukan nye ape..maybe ade yang tersilap pandang ( i mean pandang serong) kat aku sebelom ni yang asyik moody ( or u'd say period..haha) jek without knowing any reason and reliable this time i just wanna make my self and my frens clear about please jangan benci kat aku kalo our frendship just not like we used to be..
haha..once again mizi tak de lam gambar ni..jadik photograper..maybe ramai yang tak suke gambar ni..sbb menampakkan diri mereka yang dulu..(selepas tranformasi)..tapi the heart of yours still i admire time ni..haha..happy face..!!

this entry not just for my frens TTS4, tapi untuk kawan2 yang kita suke semua(pinjam ayat zahiril adzim).. sorry for being me..

p/s: memang entry ni penuh ngan emosional sebb aku memang tgh emo skang just bear with it la..tak payah nak geli2..kalo rajin, bace..kalo tak suke just tekan alt+F4...thanks..

happy like we used to be..

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